Get Involved in Giddy

Help shape the future of music streaming.


What’s next for Giddy?

In the works now

  • Shuffle and Repeat (Available on Android now, available on iOS very soon)

Coming Soon

  • Party Mode - Join other Giddy users to create playlists and listen together in real time from any distance.

  • Native Content - Access millions of songs without the need to connect to a third-party platform.

  • Fair Pay for Artists - Creators, distribute your original music directly to Giddy and earn twice what you typically make from streaming.

Known Issues and Workarounds


How do I save a playlist?

Tap the three dots menu icon at the top-right of the Now Playing screen. This opens a context menu where you can “Save playlist to My Music”. Note that changes to queued playlists are saved automatically.

How do I add a song beyond 45 minutes in the future?

You can’t do this via drag-and-drop yet. For now, tap the song instead. This will pull up a context menu. From there you can “Add last in music queue”. We have plans for a seamless scrolling feature, but this hasn’t been implemented yet.

How do I turn on shuffle play or repeat?

Tap the icons on the Now Playing bar to toggle shuffle on and off and cycle through repeat modes. On iOS: Unfortunately, shuffle and repeat have not been implemented on iOS yet. However, they are coming soon.

Tell us which features you want most.

Your ideas for Giddy are so valuable. Tell us which missing features matter to you. We’ll prioritize our efforts based on your feedback. Have an idea that isn’t listed here? Tell us in a custom message (below).